How to navigate this blog?

The tabs on top will give you some basic information about the blog, the conference and the IFRC SRU.
The bulk of the content of this blog can be found in its posts. These posts are sorted under 4 categories that can be searched through the right hand panel of this blog:
-       Category 1: Call for R&D Projects:
This category is for you to fill. We welcome presentations of ongoing or completed R&D projects in the area of using steel for sheltering; projects that link up well with the themes of the conference. We also welcome calls for new R&D projects, for which you are still searching the appropriate partners for example. One post is included in this category explaining the format in which we would like to receive your contribution. We’ll accept contributions by e-mail to us directly, so that we can verify the relevance, and format, before publishing it on the blog.
-       Category 2: Conference Themes
This category contains a couple of short texts written by the IFRC SRU team capturing some of the most discussed issues during the conference. It also contains introductions to the presentations made by humanitarian agencies, as these set the agenda for steel sheltering improvement and innovation.
-       Category 3: Conference Presentations
Each post in this category introduces one of the presentations made during the conference. On the post a link is included that will lead you to the space where the full presentation can be consulted. A distinction was made between presentations by humanitarian agencies, by producers and research presentations.
-       Category 4: Scoping Study
Some of the most interesting sections of the scoping study made in preparation to the steel days have been included as posts on this blog. You can find both presentations of techniques, as examples and shelter designs under this category.
On the right hand side panel, a series of links can be found, leading you to websites of participating agencies, and some of the most crucial forums for humanitarian sheltering.
Finally, the right hand side panel includes options to become a member of the blog, to search the blog, and to consult the most popular posts of the blog.
We wish you a pleasant read!

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